Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Grand Opening!!!

hi all,
welcome to my attempt at documenting the rebuild of my 1974 ford cortina mk3.

first of all, a brief history on the car.

i would be the third owner, my grand dad the second and some other guy named ah keong or something.

the car was brought it unassembled from Ford UK and assembled in May 1974 in Singapore then brought over to Malaysia i guess.

car was originally white but was repainted matte black sometime in the last 10 years or so. the paint job was horrible as the pics will show you later on.

rust spots, holes from years of rust gone buy, bad welds have all left me with the question of whether it would be worth restoring this car, and perhaps even prepping it for track use. i won't know until i'm done right?

so read on...

The car before leaving for my home.
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